iOS reaches a first in Microsoft’s OneNote: New to-do list feature


Microsoft has released a new OneNote feature to the iPhone first before all other platforms, expressing the company’s interest in promoting cross-platformuse of its note-taking system. 

With Apple’s smartphones, OneNote users will not be able to convert notes with checklists in them into a special list mode which will organize the items based on whether  they are checked ff or not. A not formatted as  a list also has an “add item” button at the top, which will create a new blank to-do. The feature is developed to allow people easily, quickly interact with their checklists on touch devices without deftly picking out a single checkbox in a long column of little boxes. At any time, notes which have been converted to the new checklist format can be converted back without much fuss, and those notes will still be readable on other versions of OneNote as long checklists.

The enhanced list feature has not yet shown on any other platform yet, including on Microsoft’s own Windows Phone app for OneNote. The action is also indicating that Microsoft’s cross-platform is shifting with OneNote and Office, and it is interesting particularly because the iOS app has traditionally played catch-up with those features available on Windows.

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