Facebook hopes to find the missing children by utilizing its massive user base



As the world’s biggest social network, Facebook wants to do something good for the public by utilizing its massive user base. It has worked with the Missing People charity to post the lost child alerts on Facebook in the UK. Facebook attracts a lot of fans, this action might make the rescue quicker and easier.

It adds the “Child Rescue Alerts” content that will introduce the important clues about the missing people. The clues information only be visible by those in the area where they were last seen.

The Facebook users can share the notifications with others in the network to increase the possibility of finding the missing people.

It reports that Facebook will only post a Rescue Alert if the child’s life is in danger or is at the risk of harm. Therefore, any Rescue Alerts on Facebook could be urgent and threatening.

Missing People’s CEO Jo Youle stated, they hope they won’t have to use the ” Child Rescue Alerts” system. Facebook has a great amount of fans, the cooperation with it will make a great difference in extending the number of eyes and ears when the bad situation occurs.

It concerns about this content may bring negativity to Facebook for the introduction of a Dislike button, this social network firm adds a new feature that only be visible as positive.


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